Singer/guitarist /song writer, soulful, raw, charismatic & exciting
Chad is known as one of the best blues singers in Europe, and beyond. He has been singing since the age of 15, starting his adventure singing Rock 'n' Roll & Rockabilly.
Chad's vocal style has matured over the years and he has a vast range of styles he somehow manages to combine together, with his charismatic way of performing on stage.
From Rock 'n' Roll to Country, Soul, & Rhythm & Blues, Chad covers all these styles, and more, and puts his own stamp on them. Song writing is also one of Chad's strong points.
On his first solo Cd (Shake-down) you can hear the diversity in Chad's voice, and hear for yourself his song writing skills.
Chad has worked with PAUL LAMB & THE KINGSNAKES for over 28yrs wining many awards on the way. Other bands Chad is known for playing with are: CAT-TALK, THE BIG TOWN PLAYBOYS, SHOUT SISTER SHOUT!, CHAD STRENTZ & PAUL ACOUSTIC DUO.
CHAD STRENTZ & THE CHAD-ILLAC'S is Chad's latest, and current Blues Soul Americana roots style band:
Chad vocals/guitar, Mike Thorne on drums, Orlando Shearer on bass, and Pete Farrugia on lead guitar, all these guys are accomplished musicians in their own rights and together with Chad they bring an exciting not to missed performance each time they take to the stage.
Currently Chad is portaying CHUCK BERRY in “Hail Hail Rock´n´Roll “ show. After rehearsing with the rest of the cast in 2023 for this amazing theater show, they started 2024 with 3 shows in January which were all very well received by the audiences.
Solo CD´s Reviews
Chad Strentz
Acoustically Yours Vol. 2
Independent Release
2020 was, without doubt, one of the worst years for the worlds music and entertainments industry, but as I mentioned in the January edition, there has been a huge amount of creativity from many blues artists for perhaps two reasons. The first being out of necessity and the second being that they have had more time to write new material. Chad is a case in point having released ‘Acoustically Yours Vol.1’ in the summer and now ‘Acoustically Yours Vol. 2’ which was written and recorded over two weeks in November 2020. Not as quick as volume 1, but still very impressive. This ten track album was recorded in exactly the same way as Vol.1, on his mobile phone without microphones or amplification.
It is difficult to write much in this review as my opinion is the same as it was for vol.1. It is an excellent album, with vocal and guitar clarity close to perfect. It was, as before, mastered by Pete Farrugia
So let’s talk about some of the songs.
The Album opens with ‘Get A Move On!’, a train song, always a blues favourite. On this track Chad provides percussion with a box of matches attached to his strumming thumb with an elastic band. I’ve never actually spoken to Chad so have no idea what his voice is like, but when singing he seems to be able to alter it to suit the song. If you didn’t know better you could easily think that you were listening to a greatest hits album of the early blues performers with a different vocal style for each song. ‘The Beauty Of A Flower’ is a lovely country ballad which fits nicely in between the ragtime blues style of some other songs. Chad is not afraid to try new things which is very much the case in ‘Open D’. I was amazed to hear that Chad had never played in open tuning before or used a slide, but as the song title shows he learnt to play in open D and played slide using a plastic cigarette lighter and it sound really good. More slide guitar please Chad. ‘Killing Time’ is a deliberate nod to the covid lockdown and the situation most musicians found themselves in. I think we can all relate to that. In ‘Hatred’ Chad sings in a really deep gravelly voice. The song is very appropriate for the current situation around the world both politically and on social media. ‘Don’t let the haters get you down’ is probably the best and most meaningful single sentence in any song i’ve heard in a long time. There is far too much hate in the world. Social media is rife with political and covid differences of opinion which verge on hatred when we should all be working together to help sort out the problems and getting back to enjoying what we have in common, music. The album ends on a high with a nice upbeat ‘Funk You’ (yes, I checked the spelling several times before submitting this review).As with most acoustic albums it is the lyrics that are all important and i’m sure there is something that will have meaning for you in at least one of the songs.That gives you an idea of the content of the album. To hear it you are going to have to buy it from Chad.
I really encourage you to do that as I, personally, think it is superb. As with Vol.1, there isn’t a bad song among them.
Chad Strentz
Independent Release
Whilst Covid-19 has bought devastation to the entertainments industry and left many, many musicians with no income whatsoever there has also been a huge outpouring of creativity from many of the musicians I follow.
I must have purchased about 20 ‘Isolation’ albums in the last 8 months, but this one is of particular note.
I had never heard of Chad until lockdown when I saw him on someone’s social media page. I had a listen and really liked what I’d heard so he kindly sent me a download of this album which is available now directly from Chad.
This is a real bare bones album, recorded on his mobile phone without microphones or editing, Chad wrote and recorded the whole album in 7 days which is impressive by anyone’s standards.
Most of you reading this perhaps wouldn’t be expecting much in the way of sound quality. If that is the case you couldn’t be more wrong.
Every song sounds clear and precise and a lot better than some artists studio albums. He has explained all this on the rear cover, but if he hadn’t I would have never known it hadn’t been extensively mixed. It was mastered by Pete Farrugia ( which goes a long way to explaining its clarity.
Keeping it basic may also have helped as it is just acoustic guitar and vocals and does show how good some smartphones are at recording audio.
So what do the songs sound like?
It is actually quite diverse in its style. 12 songs from really rootsy blues through Gospel and Americana to gentle ballads.
Opening with ‘In My Blood,’ a fast blues, it is immediately reminiscent of the great bluesmen from BB to Muddy.
I have to admit that ‘Stand Tall’ sounds very familiar to another early gospel song, but that is probably down to style more than anything else.
‘Also Known As’ is the albums only reference to the virus and its two names used by the press.
‘Furry Things’ adds a bit of ragtime to the mix. A dog is a man’s best friend after all.
‘One Clown Down’ is a lovely slow ballad telling of broken hearts and lost love.
It is rare for me to compare people to living artists, but in this case I will make an exception as Chad compares very favourably to people like Giles Hedley and even Ian Siegal. I’m a huge fan of Ian’s so that is praise indeed.
That gives you an idea of the content of the album. To hear it you are going to have to buy it from Chad at
I really encourage you to do that as I, personally, think it is superb. There isn’t a bad song among them.
Graham Hutton / BLUES IN BRITAIN
Chad Strentz
“This wonderful recording is up there with the very best blues albums made in Britain. A vocal tour de force from a man whose time has finally come. ”
— Stephen Foster, BBC Radio Suffolk
“A dynamic and exuberant band made up from some of Europe’s most experienced and acclaimed blues and rock and roll musicians.”
— The Hideaway, London, UK
“Seit 35 Jahren steht Chad Strentz auf der Bühne, der lange Schlacks mit Glatze ist Bluesfans vor allem als (Rhythmus-)Gitarrist und Sänger in Reihen von Paul Lamb & The King Snakes ein Begriff. Unabhängig von Hauptjob und stilistischer Ausrichtung der Königsschlangen hat er sein erstes Album unter eigenem Namen veröffentlicht – und einen grandiosen Volltreffer gelandet! Mit acht Eigenkompositionen und sieben Coversongs präsentiert der Brite seine musikalischen Vorlieben, die von Blues über Rock’n’Roll, Rockabilly und Soul bis hin zu Country reichen. Meist geht es flott zur Sache und die Frage nach den Highlights lässt sich kaum beantworten, zumal Chad bekanntlich ein klasse Gitarrist und hervorragender Sänger ist. Doch damit nicht genug, die Aufnahmen entstanden in den mit reichlich analogem Equipment ausgestatteten britischen Rimshot Studios und klingen wie aus einem Guss. Neben der aus Mike J Thorne (Drums) und größtenteils Jim Leverton (Bass) bestehenden Rhythmusgruppe hat sich Strentz gleich drei deutsche und einen österreichischen Musiker mit ausgeprägtem Vintage-Faible ins Studio geholt: Chris Rannenberg (Piano), Raphael Wressnig (Hammond), Kai Strauss und Jimmy Reiter (beide Gitarre). Die zaubern mit dem Protagonisten viele mitreißende Nummern wie zum Beispiel „She Said Go“ aufs Parkett, dazu gibt es vier Balladen, von denen das akustische „So Much Time“ durch den Text und Chads Johnny-Cash-mäßigen Gesang gleich doppelt und ganz tief unter die Haut geht.”
— Dirk Föhrs, Bluesnews, Germany
“Chad Strentz, “Shake-Down” voted Album of the Month!”
— Independent Association of Blues Broadcasters
“With ‘Shakedown’, his debut solo album, Chad Strentz takes us on a joyful journey through many genres giving us a true insight into his techni-coloured musical world, parts of which may come as a surprise, but a very pleasant one! One of the most enjoyable CDs of my musical year so far!”
— Ashwyn Smyth, Digital Blues Radio
“Chad Strentz has always been a very great voice of British rhythm and
blues, this debut solo project is a killer album. Do not miss him live”
— Mike Hellier, MovinMusic (Mud Morganfield, Heritage Blues Orchestra)
“... aided and abetted by Chad Strentz’s soulful vocal, which shines on the likes of the traditional “Careless Love”, and the Solomon Burke tune “Don’t You Feel Like Cryin’”.”
— Grahame Rhodes, Blues In The Northwest
“Once again we discovered last night that musicians in the blues world are also lovely people. Chad Strentz & The Chad-illacs had the whole of The Tuesday Night Music Club in the palm of their hands by the end of the night and spontaneous dancing broke out too! What a party it was and certainly a night we’ll all remember for a long time to come. Our thanks to Chad Strentz, Pete Farrugia, Orlando Shearer and Mike Thorne - four true gents who also happen to be superb musicians and really know how to put on a show.”
— Richard Dunning, The Tuesday Night Music Club
“... the solo debut from the excellent singer and guitarist and long-time member of Paul Lamb & The King Snakes, is pretty exceptional!
When you see a cast-list like this, you know the music is going to be top-notch: Jim Leverton (bass), Jimmy Reiter and Kai Strauss (electric guitars), Christian Rannenberg (piano), Raphael Wressnig (Hammond C-3), Pete Pritchard (double bass), and Mike Thorne (drums), with a guest appearance from Danny Kyle on guitar – a super British and European band for sure!
To sum up, one of the best things I’ve heard this year and well worth the wait . . . well done Chad!”
— Grahame Rhodes, Blues In The Northwest